Down on the Farm Day 1

Tilling the Soil Puppet Show

Scene: Bessie Cow is using a hoe to break up the dirt. 

Bessie: Land Sakes!  I have been doing this for such an udderly long time!  Whew!  I am tired!  (Continues to hit the dirt with hoe)

Enter Rufus Frog…Hopping …

Rufus: Well, Hello there, Miss Bessie!  What on earth are you doing?

Bessie: Hi, Rufus!  I found this Seed, and I want to plant it, but the ground is too hard!  So I am trying to break it up with this Hoe!

Rufus:  Let me see that Seed!  (Looks at seed carefully)  Wow!  That is a fine looking seed!  Where did you find it?

Bessie:  I was grazing over there in the meadow beside the church this morning, and I found it under a tree.

Rufus:  I wonder what kind of seed it is.

 Enter Prudence Pig singing a hymn (leaning on the everlasting arms)

Rufus: Good afternoon, Miss Prudence!  How are you?

Prudence:  Oh, My!  Rufus, you scared me!  I am just fine!  Isn’t it a glorious day that the Lord has made?!?

Bessie:  Why, Yes it is, Prudence!

Rufus:  You know Miss Prudence might know what kind of seed this is.  She goes to that church by the meadow where you found it, Miss Bessie.

Prudence:  You found a Seed, Bessie?  How exciting!


Tilling up the Soil Song (to the tune of I’ve been working on the Railroad)

We are tilling up the Soil

All the live long Day

We are learning about Jesus

And we’re learning how to Pray!

We are getting our garden ready

For the planting in the morn!

We are tilling up the Soil

But we’re planting more than Corn!!


Song Leader: What are we planting?


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