Down on the Farm Day 4

Harvest Puppet Show

 Scene: Darlene Duck and Wrinkles are talking...

Darlene Duck:  Can you believe the sermon that Brother Harry preached last night at the church?!?!?!

Wrinkles:  It was wonderful!  He really brings out the true meaning of the scriptures!  I like the way he seems to follow the Lord when he plants those seeds of truth!!

Darlene:  Seeds of Truth?  (Looks at kids and asks…)  Do you know what he is talking about??

Prudence:  Of course they remember!!  A Seed of Truth is a word from the Bible that is spoken or planted into someone’s heart or soil.  Do you remember how the Seed of Truth is planted?

Rufus:   God plants the Seed of Truth in your heart thru Preaching!

Bessie:  That’s right, Rufus!!  And then we water the word by telling people about the wonderful blessings that Jesus has given us!!

Darlene:  I won’t forget the lesson I learned about being thankful for the rain!!  And the Lord sure did rain down the blessings last night at church!!

Spot:  And to think, Miss Darlene, you didn’t even like the rain!!


Song (to the tune of Row, Row, Row your Boat)

Sow, sow, sow the Word,
Precious seeds of Faith;
Some that fall along the path,
Are quickly snatched away.

Sow, sow, sow the Word,
Precious seeds of Truth;
Some that fall on rocky soil,
Won’t last the whole day through.

Sow, sow, sow the Word,
Precious seeds of Hope;
Some that fall among the thorns,
Grow weak from fear and woe.

Sow, sow, sow the Word,
Precious seeds of Life;
Some that fall into good soil,
Will live a life for Christ.

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